The Birth of Geothermal Energy in Indonesia: A Journey from Kamojang Crater


February 1926—In the quiet, dense forests of West Java’s mountainous region, the roar of drilling machines shattered the stillness as a group of researchers embarked on a groundbreaking mission. The Netherland East Indies Volcanological Survey began drilling the first exploration well at Kamojang Crater, marking the beginning of Indonesia’s journey into geothermal energy exploration.

The task was far from easy. The fragile volcanic soil and unpredictable gas pressure presented significant challenges at every step. The first borehole had to be abandoned after a mud eruption occurred nearby, forcing the team to retreat temporarily. However, their perseverance soon paid off. The second well they drilled revealed a powerful gas blower at a depth of 18.60 meters, reigniting hope. But as if playing a trick, the gas disappeared as soon as the pipe was closed, leaving a mystery buried deep within the earth.

Undeterred, the researchers pressed on. The third well, drilled near Panggilingan Crater, produced almost pure steam at a depth of 60 meters. This steam, roaring with a pressure of 2.5 atm, was estimated to produce 8,000 kg/hour—enough to generate 900 kW of electricity. The team had uncovered a new and unexpected source of energy.

The fourth borehole, drilled to a depth of 105 meters, yielded steam at 140°C, but the pressure was too low to be of practical use. The exploration continued, and in September 1926, the fifth borehole was drilled. This time, the gas temperature reached 123°C, hot enough to boil water instantly.

By December 1928, the gas pressure in boreholes III and V had increased to 5 atm, with a stable temperature of 140°C. These two successful wells became the focus of ongoing observation for years. Daily measurements were taken until April 1934, when the temporary observation station was closed. The last temperature checks in April 1938 and May 1939 showed little change, confirming the stability of the geothermal source.

This pioneering series of events during the Dutch East Indies era is chronicled in the 1983 journal History of Volcanology in the Former Netherlands East Indies by M. Neumann van Padang. Neumann documented the early research on Kamojang Crater, highlighting the detailed studies conducted by Dutch scientists. In 1926, Taverne meticulously mapped the crater’s morphology, noting that the fumarole field was isolated from the Guntur cluster by an eroded volcanic ridge.

Later, in 1929, Stehn described the fumarole field and mud wells at Kamojang, where temperatures ranged between 90-94°C. Earlier, in 1896, Verbeek and Fennema had speculated that Kamojang Crater lay on the southeastern side of a large caldera, adding to the geological understanding of the area.

The seeds of geothermal exploration were planted by a visionary idea from JB van Dijk, a researcher who, in 1918, proposed harnessing volcanic energy in the Dutch East Indies. Inspired by Italy’s success in using geothermal energy at Larderello, van Dijk’s writings sparked debate among experts, though his ideas were initially met with skepticism. It took eight years for the government to act, eventually funding the first drilling operations at Kamojang in 1926.

Despite the promising early discoveries, interest in Kamojang’s geothermal potential waned by the 1960s. It wasn’t until 1971 that the Indonesian government, in collaboration with New Zealand, resumed investigations into Kamojang’s geothermal capabilities. A year later, drilling commenced with the assistance of Geothermal Energy New Zealand Ltd. By 1979, ten wells capable of producing electricity had been successfully drilled. This led to the operation of Indonesia’s first geothermal power plant at Kamojang in 1982, with an initial capacity of 30 MW.

Following this, in 1987, two additional units were brought online, each producing 55 MW. Today, the three geothermal power units at Kamojang, managed by PT Indonesia Power Kamojang POMU, continue to operate with a combined capacity of 140 MW. They supply electricity to the interconnected grid serving Java, Bali, and Madura.

Indonesia, with its abundant volcanoes, has vast potential for geothermal energy. However, only 8.9% of the country’s 23,900 MW potential has been harnessed, according to The high costs and advanced technology required for exploration have been significant barriers. Despite these challenges, PLN, the national electricity company, ensures that the performance of the Kamojang geothermal plant remains robust, with routine maintenance carried out every three years.

Environmental conservation is also a priority. PLN, through its subsidiary Indonesia Power, has taken steps to protect the forests surrounding the geothermal source. Local communities are empowered to plant coffee at the foot of Mount Papandayan, an initiative that not only prevents landslides but also preserves the water resources vital for sustaining geothermal energy.

Kamojang Crater, with its combination of natural serenity and industrial activity, stands as a testament to Indonesia’s long journey toward utilizing geothermal energy. From the early pioneering days of Dutch researchers to the modern machines that now harness this power, Kamojang Crater remains a symbol of the immense potential lying beneath the earth’s surface—a potential that, if fully realized, could transform the future of energy in Indonesia and beyond.
