
Scots in Java: A Legacy of Commerce and Influence

Sriani Sujiprihati: Pioneering the Development of California Papaya in Indonesia

The Unveiling of Hidden Histories: Arab-Javanese Contributions in the Java War

The National Movement: A Pivotal Chapter in Indonesia’s History

The Role and Influence of Religious Figures in Ancient Javanese Culture

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Jean-Michel Basquiat and SAMO©

Syeh Kilang: The Guardian of Gayo Culture

The Enduring Tradition of Seba Among the Kanekes Community

The Digital Dilemma: Halida Hatta’s Stand for Bung Hatta’s Legacy

The Legacy of Ratu Ageng Tegalrejo: A Pillar of Strength and Spirituality

The Giyanti Agreement and the Untold Story of Prince Tirtakusuma

The Legacy of Gerald Keegan: A Teacher’s Tale from the Great Irish Famine

The Early Days of Photography in the Dutch East Indies: The Story of the Daguerreotype

The Rise of the Ancient Khmer Civilization: From Fu-Nan to Jayavarman II