Stomach crashed, PUD recurrent

The disease popularly called the ulcer has another name among gastritis experts, namely indigestion due to the high production of stomach acid that makes the walls irritated or inflamed.

This disorder can occur suddenly, can also be chronic. The cause of stomach disorders isn't always known, but some are caused by:

1. Viruses or Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection through contaminated water or food,

2. Certain food allergies,

3. Food poisoning,

4. Excessive intake of cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, and food,

5. Stress,

6. Side effects of aspirin and painkillers.

Anyone can get this stomach disorder. What are the symptoms?

1. Stomach feels bad, sore or full.

2. Nausea and vomiting.

3. No appetite.

4. Bloated.

5. Burp.

6. Hiccup.

7. Diarrhea.

8. Sometimes with fever and fatigue.

What you can do yourself are:

1. Take over-the-counter antacid drugs. The liquid form is more effective than the tablet.

2. When the stomach is congested, eat liquid food. As soon as things improve, you can gradually switch to soft foods.

3. Keep drinking lots of water to prevent dehydration, but no milk.

4. Avoid fatty and fried foods.

5. If the cause is due to stress, overcome it immediately.

When do you need to see a doctor?

1. Immediately go to the doctor if the stool is blackish red, or you vomit blood.

2. Stomach aches.

3. Dehydration occurs with symptoms of dry mouth, lack of urination and wrinkles.

What the doctor will do are:

The doctor will do a physical examination and find out the cause of gastritis. If the gastritis is due to viruses and is quite mild, the doctor will give oral medication.

The doctor will ask you to do a blood and stool test if Helicobacter pylori are suspected. If the gastric disorder is due to bacteria, the doctor will give antibiotics.

In severe conditions where there is blood in the stool, it's possible that the doctor will ask you to be hospitalized and carry out an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. A small hose with a camera will be inserted to the mouth, continued to the stomach, to peek at the inflammation and the source of the bleeding that occurred there.
