Thyroid disease causes mental disorder

Thyroid disease, whether it is hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, is a serious type of disease and needs to be handled appropriately. Usually, people with thyroid disease will experience several conditions, such as palpitations, sweaty hands, nervousness, weakness and sleeplessness.

Judging from the symptoms alone, it's a disorder similar to depressed people. If you experience chronic depression without intervention, it increases the risk of suicide.

Likewise with thyroid disease, if not treated properly, then it will increase the risk of suffering from mental disorders. Well, how come, ya? Actually, what is thyroid disease, and why can it threaten your mental health?

If you remember again, there are quite a number of types of mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disorder. All of these disorders can affect the changes in your behavior that harms yourself and those around you. A similar condition can also happen to drug consumers where they often experience extreme mood swings.

That's about the condition of people with mental disorders. Then, how to do with thyroid disease?

The thyroid is a type of gland located below the Adam's apple. This thyroid works to produce hormones whose function is to regulate body temperature, metabolism and the heart rate. But the problem is, you cannot regulate the production of hormones from this gland, so that sometimes the resulting hormones are uncertain in numbers.

In fact, each person produces a different amount of thyroid hormones, depending on the metabolic system. So, if your thyroid hormones are not having enough, it's called hypothyroidism. Whereas, if the amount is excessive, then it is named as hyperthyroidism.

Well, after knowing the difference between the two types of thyroid diseases, you must also know what causes them. Thyroid disease is actually only caused by hormone production. However, there are some conditions that trigger thyroid production disorders, including: Graves' disease, adenoma, thyroiditis, cancer, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, surgery, genetics, pregnancy, stress and malnutrition.

People with thyroid disease will definitely experience emotional problems. They will feel more emotional or experience extreme mood swings. Sometimes they can be sad then happy, similar to bipolar disorder.

Some emotional problems that may be felt are anxiety, stress, extreme mood swings, out of focus and short term memory loss.

Hormones do have an important role in regulating your mood. If the amount of hormone is excessive or abnormal, it is to have an impact on mood. For example, a person with hyperthyroidism tends to gain weight significantly. Then, she tries to lose weight as before. But in the process, she will experience inferiority that leads to depression.

For that, the best way to treat abnormal hormones is actually with therapy. In addition, you must control yourself, for example, by staying away from certain foods that can increase the amount of hormones.

In addition, you can also do these things:

1. Consult any symptoms related to psychiatric problems to a doctor or a mental health professional. Preferably, before you diagnose yourself whether or not you suffer from thyroid disease, check with your doctor first. After that, usually the doctor will give some drugs related to the diagnosis.

2. Tell a friend or someone you trust when you're having a hard time. Don't let your mind be burdened with problems that can be solved simply. Especially, don't let yourself get depressed because of holding emotions.

3. Share with people who have similar problems, for example, with fellow thyroid disease sufferers or with those who have mental problems.

The easiest way to prevent thyroid and psychiatric diseases is to apply a healthy lifestyle. You can start by avoiding fatty foods because this type of food is the most harmful to hormones. After that, get used to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

And, the last is to perfect it with a regular exercise, especially if you have a very passive activity, just sitting all day while staring at the computer screen.
