Everything that happens in the body, such as pain, illness, or other symptoms could be a signal that something is wrong. Don't get cheated!
For this reason, one should know the signs given by the body.
Sometimes people don't recognize the signals given off by the body and will only realize them when they're in a chronic condition. But try not to have to ignore the following signs.
1. Pain in the joints
Fluid around the joints contains a variety of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. When trying to make noises in the joints like stretching, it'll disconnect gas bubbles, so the tendons rub the bones. If you feel pain, there's a possibility of cartilage problems such as arthritis.
If you experience pain, swelling, red joint or limited movement, immediately consult a doctor.
2. Dry eyes
Dry eyes can be caused by too long at the computer, or located in places with cold, dry or windy condition. If it's chronic, it's likely due to hyperthyroidism or autoimmune disease. The first thing you can do is giving a few eyedrops and wearing sunglasses while traveling.
If it doesn't improve, do some tests to determine the exact cause.
3. Cold hands
The most likely cause is stress or anxiety that makes the blood vessels constrict and circulation to the hands impede, or impaired circulation in the blood. Another possibility is Raynaud's phenomenon when accompanied by seizure, numbness and pale in the hands, or the side effects of one beta blocker.
If due to stress, try deep breathing to increase circulation.
4. Chronic cough
Some things can be the triggers, such as irritation, allergy or acid reflux. But if it happens continuously, there's a possibility of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis or heart problems that cause buildups of fluid in the lungs.
5. Leg cramps
Possibly, it can be caused by sitting or standing too long in the same position, using high heels all day, dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, blocked or narrowed arteries, and the side effects of the drug.
Try to drink water, stretch after sitting or standing for some time.
6. Night sweats
The most likely cause is a hormonal fluctuation that alters the body's internal temperature, thyroid disorder or side effects of some medications such as antidepressant. Try lowering room temperature or wearing clothes that absorb sweat.
If it doesn't work, try to consult a doctor hormone levels in your body.
7. Snore
Possibly, the causes are overweight, disorders like sinus or nasal polyp, allergy, swelling in the majority of the airways, or sleep disorders.
8. Dark urine
The possible triggers are drinking not enough water, a lot of waste from the kidneys, urinary tract infections, bladder infections, kidney stones or other kidney problems. Consult your physician if it's accompanied by fever, or there's no change in the frequency of urination, or you feel pain during urination.
Remember not to be missed! Just because you ignore the signs of the body, it might be other complications that may occur.
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For this reason, one should know the signs given by the body.
Sometimes people don't recognize the signals given off by the body and will only realize them when they're in a chronic condition. But try not to have to ignore the following signs.
1. Pain in the joints
Fluid around the joints contains a variety of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. When trying to make noises in the joints like stretching, it'll disconnect gas bubbles, so the tendons rub the bones. If you feel pain, there's a possibility of cartilage problems such as arthritis.
If you experience pain, swelling, red joint or limited movement, immediately consult a doctor.
2. Dry eyes
Dry eyes can be caused by too long at the computer, or located in places with cold, dry or windy condition. If it's chronic, it's likely due to hyperthyroidism or autoimmune disease. The first thing you can do is giving a few eyedrops and wearing sunglasses while traveling.
If it doesn't improve, do some tests to determine the exact cause.
3. Cold hands
The most likely cause is stress or anxiety that makes the blood vessels constrict and circulation to the hands impede, or impaired circulation in the blood. Another possibility is Raynaud's phenomenon when accompanied by seizure, numbness and pale in the hands, or the side effects of one beta blocker.
If due to stress, try deep breathing to increase circulation.
4. Chronic cough
Some things can be the triggers, such as irritation, allergy or acid reflux. But if it happens continuously, there's a possibility of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis or heart problems that cause buildups of fluid in the lungs.
5. Leg cramps
Possibly, it can be caused by sitting or standing too long in the same position, using high heels all day, dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, blocked or narrowed arteries, and the side effects of the drug.
Try to drink water, stretch after sitting or standing for some time.
6. Night sweats
The most likely cause is a hormonal fluctuation that alters the body's internal temperature, thyroid disorder or side effects of some medications such as antidepressant. Try lowering room temperature or wearing clothes that absorb sweat.
If it doesn't work, try to consult a doctor hormone levels in your body.
7. Snore
Possibly, the causes are overweight, disorders like sinus or nasal polyp, allergy, swelling in the majority of the airways, or sleep disorders.
8. Dark urine
The possible triggers are drinking not enough water, a lot of waste from the kidneys, urinary tract infections, bladder infections, kidney stones or other kidney problems. Consult your physician if it's accompanied by fever, or there's no change in the frequency of urination, or you feel pain during urination.
Remember not to be missed! Just because you ignore the signs of the body, it might be other complications that may occur.
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