Chicken pox

Chicken pox is a disease of children that've been known for hundreds of years. Begun with symptoms of slowing the body, dizziness, fever, sometimes accompanied by cough, it raises spots that develop into lesions within 24 hours.

Approximately, 250 to 500 bumps will arise and spread throughout the body: face, scalp, inside mouth, including the most intimate parts.

But in less than a week, these lesions will dry up then arise itching. Within one to three weeks, marks on dry skin will fall off.

Chicken pox is often considered a trivial disease. In general, you've been used to living with the myth that chicken pox is a disease that must be experienced and can't be prevented.

The virus that causes chicken pox is shifting from one person to another through saliva splashes from coughing or sneezing and flown by air. It can also be caused by direct contact with infected skin. This virus enters through the lungs and spread to parts of the body through the lymph node.

After passing through a period of 14 days, this virus will spread rapidly into the skin tissue.

Indeed, this disease should be experienced in childhood. Why's that?

The symptoms experienced in adults are more severe than in childhood. The fever is more severe and lasting longer. The headache and the wounds are more severe, and the scars left behind will be deeper.

The kids mostly have skin infection. In adults, the possibility of complications is such as pneumonia. It's 10 to 25 percent higher than in children. Smokers even have higher risks than nonsmokers. Rare complications that can occur are inflammations of the brain and bone marrow, liver failure, hepatitis and Reye's syndrome.

More worryingly, the virus latently welcomes to stay in your body for years. When your immune system is weaker, secondary infections emerge in the form of a painful and contagious herpes zoster or shingles.

The herpes zoster arises in the form of an elongated rash on the body just in the right or left side.

But now, it's developed vaccine preventing chicken pox. Children and adults can get the vaccine. The vaccine can also be given when the child is exposed to chicken pox. If you forget whether you've ever had chicken pox, you may also obtain this vaccine.

But earlier, you need to be tested whether you're allergic to the vaccine or not. If you're with asthma and leukemia, it ain't recommended to take this vaccine. After vaccination, the immune system takes about two weeks to establish protection.

Children under the age of 1 year turn out to be the most susceptible to this disease although chicken pox is mostly attacking between the ages of 4 to 14 years. Although chicken pox is a very common disease, you'd consult a doctor who'll help to avoid complications and reduce suffering.

To reduce itching, take antihistamines or ointment such as calamine lotion. Itching powder can also help relieving and quickly dry the wound. Finger nails should be cut short to prevent bacterial infection of the itching skin.

You're encouraged to regularly bathe and change clothes and sheets every day.

Once the first symptoms are discovered, you'd be isolated for five to six days until the drying process occurs. So you, for a while, are recommended not to go to public places until the lesions dry up and flake off.

When the drying process happens, chicken pox is easily transmitted to others.

You may also follow instructions passed down from ancestors, for example, by drinking coconut water to remove all lesions out or a mixture of eggs and honey to reduce fever. If it comes to an infection, don't bathe to prevent lesion peeling by force that will cause scars.

If you wanna bathe, it's recommended water is mixed with the plough-breaker leaves or spiked with a little disinfectant such as sodium bicarbonate or other similar.

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