HDL Not Always Good

Many believe, to prevent coronary heart disease, you need to consider the condition of blood cholesterol in the body. You then know good and bad cholesterols.

Good cholesterol in the form of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is believed to neutralize its opponent, low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is derived from cardiac muscle and known as a risk carrier of coronary heart disease.

The coronary heart disease prevention heeds the good-bad law. For example, you're recommended not taking certain drugs that can directly lower cholesterol. Therefore, lipoproteins in the blood that have been referred to the community as the actual cholesterol, the total, are the combination of the good, bad, and others.

Meanwhile, the risk of coronary heart disease isn't only due to the high total cholesterol. It's the ratio of total cholesterol compared with the good level. If the number of the good cholesterol is too small, the risk of coronary heart disease is higher.

If you're reckless by swallowing drugs lowering cholesterol, good cholesterol is killed, though it's needed to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Biochemical testing of both good and bad molecules was indeed found a way of an opposite working. Although both molecules are put into transporting cholesterol, the direction they point is opposite. The bad one carries cholesterol to the coronary artery, mingles, and grows into pieces that could potentially lead to heart disease.

Instead, the good transports cholesterol out of the blood vessels, lifts to the liver, then throws away, as we dispose of garbage. Reportedly, one good HDL molecule is able to subvert one bad LDL, but it's the story of the past. Once again, it's the past.

It's started to doubt the important role of the good cholesterol. The problem isn't as simple as that. It's true, high HDL is beneficial, but it doesn't make absolutely protect and build the body immune to coronary heart disease.

You have a high HDL, but it's not working properly. Ultimately, you'll also get a heart disease. So, it can't really be understood if the treatment to reducing the amount of LDL is postponed just because the HDL is high as well.

To cure coronary heart, rule out the role of the good cholesterol. Concentrate on efforts to expel bad cholesterol. You see, eliminating the bad cholesterol takes effort far greater than increasing the good. Bad cholesterol can only be reduced through medical efforts.

Meanwhile, good cholesterol can be improved with a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, regular exercising, maintaining weight and diet, and taking vitamins in fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. The average HDL for men is usually 40-50 mg/dl while for women is 50-60 mg/dl.

If your bad cholesterol is still around or close to 100 mg/dl, it's practically safe, but if it reaches 100-129 mg/dl, it's been categorized as above the optimum.

Lastly, if the increase is much more rapid above 130 mg/dl, you'd be careful because it's too high, moreover if the good cholesterol is also smaller or has the same amount but can only watch from a distance. Immediately see a doctor!

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