Abnormal Not Sick

Many people think that laboratory tests can determine the illness. This assumption isn't true. Medical science diagnoses diseases clinically while laboratory examination is only a complement.

Results of laboratory tests continue with normal values. So, when the test results are outside the normal values, we think, we're abnormal or sick.

However, before drawing conclusions above, it's necessary to understand a few things.

Normal laboratory values are determined by a set of large amounts of data of the people considered in conditions in order to obtain constraints statistically. In fact, humans are very varied so that the acquisition of laboratory values needs to be addressed scientifically.

For example, the value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in menstruating women, can be affected, and usually, it's not mentioned in the audit report. On the other hand, the high value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, e.g. 100 mm/hour, can mean an infection or tumor although, of course, this must be supported by the clinical situation. Instead, exceptions can occur. It means, although the value is that high, there's no disease.

There're laboratory values that have a narrowly normal range so that the value acquisition outside these limits is considered to be surely abnormal. For example, the low value of hemoglobin confirms the presence of anemia. Moreover, when the value of hemoglobin is very low, according to the consensus, it requires a blood transfusion.

For another example, the value of renal function, creatinine, has a narrowly normal limit. Values above this limit indicate a reduced kidney function with certainty. The increasing value of creatinine is associated with the degree of renal impairment. On certain limit, it requires a dialysis.

Most other laboratory values have more loosely normal range. So, sometimes, it's not mean when normal limit is exceeded.

Getting a positive Widal reaction value is often worried by fever sufferers. A positive Widal reaction isn't necessarily suffering from typhoid. A positive Widal without fever for a week isn't a typical typhoid. The positive Widal reaction is only due to the contamination of drinking water sources in major cities by Salmonella Typhi.

High values of cholesterol and uric acid, today, are also a scourge for those who like to eat well and a lot. All perceived symptoms, such as pain, sciatica, headaches, and joint pain, are considered as the results. Most of these aren't true.

A slight rise does actually not need to worry, especially, if you're required to take medication. Typically, with proper diet, these values will go down to normal. Instead, taking the medicine with eating a lot of fatty foods is certainly an unwise action.

Laboratory examination is often done excessively. All physiological functions are examined in the absence of adequately clinical guidance directives. Examination of this kind will not result in something expected and anyway dissipate charges.

Instead, laboratory examination is well planned by a physician, and its kinds should be limited in order to save the cost. Laboratory results often shown to the doctor, after your own request, usually contain many flaws because they're not chosen according to the real needs. Interpretation of the results can also not be done without further examination.

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