Care for Wound Not with Iodine

Wound is skin surface discontinuity easily exposed by bacteria or other microbes such as fungi. Although it depends on the health of the skin itself, the wound usually heals without needing a lot of attention.

That is, the new skin will form on the surface of the wound completely. This is because a healthy body has a very good wound regeneration mechanism forming a granulation tissue covered with epithelium.

By itself, when diseases influence such diabetes, or advanced age, the skin is no longer healthy and supple so wound healing is impaired.

Wounds, especially dirty, should be cleaned with water and soap then dried with a clean cloth, not paper towels. You see, bits of tissue or any material stuck to the wound is the place the bacteria breed that impedes the growth of granulation tissue.

If the wound is only on the surface and found in the body that doesn't move, sometimes, it's better to leave the wound open. It makes wound healing so much faster. Antiseptic or antibiotic ointments are often not required if the wound is clean.

However, if the wound is deep or dirty, it should be covered with sterile gauze and, with the above reasons, not cotton. Cleaning with soap and water is also recommended if the wound is dirty and new happening.

Bleeding should be stopped by pressing in place the blood is out using a gauze and only released when it's stopped.

Using an antiseptic for fresh wounds can be justified in order to kill the germs. For this, it's also often used an antibiotic ointment though it shouldn't be done on each wound to prevent the onset of germ immunity.

In the past, we used iodine containing mercurochromes that can make the wound become dry. Perhaps, one-time provision is sufficient. Unfortunately, mercurochrome is now no longer justified because it contains organic mercury compound considered very toxic to the brain.

In fact, if it's used a little, it doesn't matter. When it's frequently used for large surface, it's feared it'll accumulate toxic properties.

Similarly is boracic lotion also not justified anymore to wash the wound or the eyes because boron content is also toxic to the nerves. Additionally, boron crystals will stick to eyelashes when the water evaporates. Boracic lotion is also not very effective anymore for wounds.

Sulfa powder sprinkled on the wound is for now no longer recommended. Skin hypersensitivity to sulfanilamide is greatly feared.

So, what to do?

Moist wound should be bathed with permanganates or Rivanol. Again, use a gauze instead of cotton. Norit is also often recommended to sprinkle on wet, chronic wound containing pus and difficult to heal. It should be used Norit powder of the bottle, not scoured tablets. Chronic wounds need to clean every day and dead tissue needs to remove.

The most difficult thing is to treat infected wounds or small ulcers in the elderly or people with diabetes. As we know, in diabetics, the tiniest cut, especially whose sugar level is not well controlled and there's an edema around the wound, is difficult to cure. Their sense of the pain has also been reduced.

In fact, minor injuries as a result of cutting toenails can spread upwards very quickly so that it's necessary operative measures. That's why, wounds in diabetics require physician's special care. In this case, the appropriate antibiotics is needed.

Thus, elderly people with diabetes shouldn't cut their own nails and had to use fitting size shoes or sandals so that it doesn't cause friction that can cause blisters.

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