Multitasking Needs Energy

Now, more and more people because of the demands of the job have to multitask. There are up to do three different jobs at once in a step swing.

Of course, this requires a doubled energy. For short-term tasks, it can be accelerated by allocating 100% of energy without the rest with the sprint rhythm.

Remember, the more energy you have, the more that can be achieved.

Fortunately, energy is renewable. Therefore, get up the energy foundation with:

1. Body

Improve the quality of sleep. Reduce a stress. Identify energy lethargy marks: restlessness, yawning, hunger, and difficult concentrating. Get a short break after working for 90-120 minutes of concentration.

2. Emotion

Tame negative energies: irritated, impatient, anxious, insecure. Generate positive emotions to people around via email, phone, verbal. Every night, make sure what the greatest challenge that will be the top priority tomorrow.

3. Spirit

Identify the most enjoyable activities making you effective, successful, and meaningful. Allocate a time and energy to something important, e.g. relaxation in the car when going home in order to connect with the family. Turn on your core values, e.g. coming 5 minutes early, at least on time.

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