Behind Spicy Red Chili

This spice makes food spicy, savory, and attractively reddish. The chili came from South America then spread to many tropical and subtropical countries.

Spicy flavor of chili, according to Michael Caterina, a scientist of the University of San Francisco, comes from capsaicin. This substance, according to Dr. David E. Clapham of Harvard University, U.S., is primarily concentrated in white veining, a place the seeds are attached.

If you intend to make a dish using chilies but don't want it too spicy, just throw the white veins. So, spicy taste can be minimized but food color is still red.

To get rid of spicy taste, try it with milk or its products, such as cheese, ice cream made from milk, or margarine. Because both contain fat, spicy flavor of chili will disappear when it's treated with milk and its products or something greasy.

If hand tastes spicy because of slicing chilies, try to correct by applying an oil or body lotion.

The chili is also analgesic. In my experience, people with migraine or headache eating foods with a mixture of chili, the pain will be reduced. It may be true because capsaicin in chili is capable of blocking the activity of the brain when it receives pain signals from the central nervous system.

Runny nose and nasal congestion can be helped by chili for its ability to thin the mucus and because of the high content of vitamin C. Capsaicin also has the nature to thin the blood so that it can prevent a stroke and coronary heart disease.

Seeing the role of the chili, it seems we don't need hostile, of course, if it's consumed not in excessive amounts that can make a stomach ache.

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